Guy, nice to see you here. I met you years ago when you attended an Apple Newton meeting. I never forgot you.

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Thanks for the comment. I hope you never forgot me for good reasons! :-)

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Absolutely good reasons. There were many things you did and said that were worth remembering.

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Angela Duckworth Is amazing. Her emphasis on grit reminds me of the early existentialists in the early to mid 20th Century. They had a much grittier sense of happiness. It was hard work.

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The question of "how we got here" opens up a myriad of pathways. Rather than assume that we arrived at a given point in time for valid reasons, ask about all the intended and unintended actions that got us to this point. And then extrapolate that to everyone and everything around us. That's why prediction is so hard and likely that AGI will be very hard to achieve. We need to break free from the focus on the individual and think along the lines of the collective (aka network). This includes AI frameworks, models and networks that should have interworking incentives and disincentives to become more powerful and efficient.

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